Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Building Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities regulate the design and construction of new buildings, altered buildings and buildings undergoing a change of use to ensure they comply with fire safety, accessibility, proper planning and building regulations.

Built Heritage and Conservation


In this section;

What is a Protected Structure?

Record of Protected Structures for Tipperary

Architectural Conservation Areas

Guidance and Advice

Support and Funding

Tipperary Archaeology

What is a Protected Structure

A Protected Structure is a building or feature (such as a bridge, memorial, gate etc) of special architectural, artistic, archaeological, cultural, social, scientific or technical interest that is afforded legal protection. This is to ensure that its special value can be appreciated by future generations. Such structures can range from the humblest thatched cottage to the largest ‘country house’.

A Protected Structure includes the following elements:

a) the interior of the structure,

b) the land lying within the curtilage of the structure,

c) any other structures lying within the curtilage and their interiors, and

d) all fixtures and features, which form part of the interior or exterior of any structure(s), referred to in subparagraph (a) or (c).

The owners and occupiers of Protected Structures have a legal Duty of Care to ensure that they do not endanger the special value of the structure by either undertaking inappropriate works, direct demolition or through neglecting the building. This Duty of Care also applies to building contractors and all others who are involved in caring for Protected Structures. The Council identifies what structures shall be made Protected Structures through a special process set out in Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).

Record of Protected Structures for Tipperary

There are nine records of Protected Structures in Tipperary set out in the Development Plans.

These may be viewed below;

  1. South Tipperary County Area: List View | Map View
  2. North Tipperary County Area: List View | Map View
  3. Clonmel Town: List View | Map View
  4. Nenagh Town: List View | Map View
  5. Thurles Town: List View | Map View
  6. Templemore Town: List View | Map View
  7. Cashel Town: List View | Map View
  8. Tipperary Town: List View | Map View
  9. Carrick on Suir Town: List View | Map View

An Interactive Map of all the Protected Structures in the County May be viewed here.


Architectural Conservation Areas

An Architectural Conservation Area is a place, area, group of structures or townscape that is of special architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical interest or value, or contributes to the appreciation of Protected Structure. There are Architectural Conservation Areas in 25 Tipperary Towns and Villages and the special character of each are preserved under the provisions of the relevant Development Plan.

Each Architectural Conservation Area for the County may be viewed here.


Guidance and Advice

The owner of a structure or feature that is a Protected Structure and/or located within an Architectural Conservation Area should seek advice before making any alteration to the interior or exterior of the structure or feature and should note that their exempted development rights may be restricted.

Further guidance and advice may be gained in the following ways:

Refer to the Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines

Consider the provisions of the relevant Development Plan

Seek specialist advice from a private Conservation Architect

If you are considering carrying out works to a protected structure or a structure located within an Architectural Conservation Area you should seek advice from an appropriately qualified and experienced conservation specialist. There are three professional bodies in Ireland with conservation accreditation schemes. To find an appropriate specialist refer to Conservation Architect, Conservation Engineer and Building Conservation Accredited Surveyor.

Seek a Section 57 Declaration from Tipperary County Council

Works to a protected structure can be carried out without planning permission only if the works do not affect the character of the structure or any element of the structure that contributes to its special interest. Section 57 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 (as amended) allows for the owner or occupier of a Protected Structure or a Proposed Protected Structure to submit a written request to the planning authority to issue a Section 57 Declaration as to the type of works which it considers would or would not materially affect the character of the structure or any element of the structure, thereby clarifying which works would be considered exempted development. A request for a Section 57 Declaration can be made by completing the application form here


Support and Funding for owners and occupiers

There are benefits and supports provided to the owners of protected structures to assist them in the protection and maintenance of structures of local, regional and national importance.

Tipperary County Council Conservation Grants

Each year the Council administers grant schemes to assist owners in the conservation and refurbishment of heritage structures. In 2024, two schemes will be administered, these are called:

- Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2024

- Historic Structures Fund 2024

Applications are invited until close of business on the 22nd January 2024 with works to be completed before end of 2024 in line with the provisions of each scheme.

Please refer to following links for further detail;

Thatching Grant

A grant is available from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government towards the cost of renovating thatched roofs of owner occupied houses. A grant of two thirds of the approved cost, up to a maximum of €3,810, is available. A higher level of assistance of up to €5,714 is available for houses on specified offshore islands. Householders with a medical card may be eligible for thatching grants up to a maximum of €6,350 (or €8,253 in the case of houses on the offshore islands). In such cases the grant may cover up to 80% of the approved cost of works subject to the maximum grant.

For conditions of eligibility and an application form please refer to the link here

Irish Georgian Society Grants

The Irish Georgian Society issue grants for repair and conservation of special aspects of our heritage from all eras (not just Georgian). Further information and application forms are available here

Heritage Council Grants Programme

Heritage Council community grants are advertised each October. Projects must be completed within the year awarded. Further information and application forms are available here

Heritage Council - Traditional farm buildings - REPS 4

Operated by the Heritage Council on behalf of the Department of Agriculture, Marine & Food. Eligible REPS 4 farmers may seek funding for the repair and conservation of traditional farm outbuildings, not main residence. Further information and application forms available here

Reduction in Development Contributions

The restoration or refurbishment to a high architectural conservation standard of Protected Structures will be subject to a reduction of 50% in development contributions where the Council is satisfied that the works substantially contribute to the protection and/or restoration of the protected structure.

To review the Tipperary Development Contribution Scheme please click here.


Tipperary Archaeology

Sites and Monuments

The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht are responsible for archeological monuments such as castles, ring forts, earthworks etc. All recorded archaeological monuments are protected under the National Monuments Acts 1930-2004. The National Monuments Service interactive has a map/search facility that provides access to all records of the Archaeological Survey of Ireland stored on its national database, commonly known as the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This may be viewed here

For more detail on the protection of national monuments click here

The Walled Towns of Tipperary

Tipperary has a rich Norman heritage and this is manifested in the number of towns that were fortified or walled in medieval times including Clonmel, Nenagh, Thurles, Carrick-on-Suir, Cashel, Fethard. Today, significant upstanding remains may be seen in Fethard, Cashel, Carrick on Suir and Clonmel and the Council has prepared Conservation and Management Plans for each of these towns. Both upstanding and sub-surface remains of the ancient Town Walls are national monuments and subject to statutory protection.

The Conservation and Management Plans with relevant maps etc for the Walled Towns may be viewed here 



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 Section 57 Declaration Form