Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Economic Monitors

Local authorities may monitor economic performance indicators. These indicators include employment, enterprise, investment, housing, consumer behaviour and commercial property to benchmark their progress against local and national policy targets.

Economic and Community Monitor

The E&C Monitor is a custom designed software solution that consists of relevant and accurate datasets and indicators from authoritative sources to provide insight into the economic and community performance for county Tipperary at a variety of spatial scales. The E&C monitor can be applied to meet the increased demand for data and evidence based decision making across the many functions within Tipperary . It is based on 15 themes providing decision makers, planners and researchers in Tipperary with information they need to make better decisions and to monitor the progress and performance of the county.


The link below will bring you to the monitor.  Click on one of the six categories to access the relevant dataset.

Link to the Economic and Community Monitor






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