Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Monatóirí Eacnamaíocha

Féadfaidh údaráis áitiúla monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar tháscairí feidhmíochta eacnamaíocha. Cuimsíonn na táscairí seo fostaíocht, fiontar, infheistíocht, tithíocht, iompar tomhaltóirí agus maoin tráchtála chun a ndul chun cinn a thagarmharcáil i gcoinne spriocanna beartais áitiúla agus náisiúnta.

Economic and Community Monitor




The E&C Monitor is a custom designed software solution that consists of relevant and accurate datasets and indicators from authoritative sources to provide insight into the economic and community performance for county Tipperary at a variety of spatial scales. The E&C monitor can be applied to meet the increased demand for data and evidence based decision making across the many functions within Tipperary . It is based on 15 themes providing decision makers, planners and researchers in Tipperary with information they need to make better decisions and to monitor the progress and performance of the county.

The E & C Monitor is updated quarterly, the latest update is for Q3 2022.

There have 6 Theme updates – comprising of 10 updated datasets and 1 new dataset:

New Dataset – Agriculture

Census of Agriculture 2020

The Census of Agriculture (CoA) is a census of all agricultural holdings that takes place every ten years. It forms part of an EU-wide program of agricultural censuses carried out in 2020 under EU Regulation 2018/1091 on integrated farm statistics.

This new addition to the E&C Monitor presents the following results spread across eleven new indicators looking at the following themes:
• Farm Size
• Farm Type
• Economic Size


• Housing Supports: Rent Supplement, 2021
• Housing Supports: Housing Assistance Payment (HAP), 2021 - Tenancies and Exchequer Spend

Economy and Employment

• CSO Business Demography, 2020
• Active Enterprises by Size
• Persons Engaged by Size
• Persons Employed by Enterprise Size

Property Market

• RTB Housing Rental Prices – Q1 22

• RPPI Housing Sale Prices – Q1 22

Employment Supports

• Live Register at Social Welfare/Intreo Office Level - Monthly/Time series – April, 2022


• EPA Managed Household Waste 2020, time series comparison and detailed breakdown for 2020.

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