Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Biodiversity Awareness Initiatives

Local authorities run initiatives to protect plants, animals and wildlife habitats as part of their biodiversity awareness activities.

Biodiversity Information

The word ‘Biodiversity’, which is an amalgamation of the words 'biological' and 'diversity' is the term used for all forms of life on earth. It includes all life forms, including animals, plants, insects, fish, humans, habitats etc. County Tipperary is a county rich in biodiversity. Habitat diversity ranges from lakes, rivers, grasslands, limestone pavement, turloughs, heaths and peatlands. Some areas and species are protected in the Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) that have been designated to date because of the presence of nationally and internationally important species and habitats.

Threats to Biodiversity

The variety of life on Earth, is not constant. Many things are causing the loss of species and a reduction of that variety, both on a national level, and worldwide.

Species, habitats and ecosystems are under ever increasing threat both in a national and international context. Many species and habitats are in decline and in some cases their future is endangered. In certain cases irreversible losses have already occurred. Many species have become extinct and it is considered that impending extinction rates are many times greater than those of the past. The extinction of one species results in the irreversible loss of a unique suite of genetic adaptations that have been acquired typically over very long time scales of hundreds and thousands of years (National Biodiversity Plan 2002). In addition, worldwide, the spread of invasive non-native species of plants and animals has been identified as the greatest threat to biodiversity after habitat destruction and species loss.

What can we do to protect our Biodiversity

We do not have a full database of biological records for the country, so some groups, like beetles and lichens, may be threatened in ways we cannot measure.

Knowledge gives us the key to protecting the natural wealth of the country.

Know and protect habitats. Different organisms flourish in different conditions, so the key to variety of species is variety in the places they live. Loss of habitats is the biggest threat to global biodiversity. We are all aware of the loss of the rain forests, but are we doing our best to protect our own hedgerows or species-rich grassland?

Control the spread of alien species. The spread of species from other countries is the second greatest threat to local biodiversity after habitat loss. Alien species, which in their home countries are part of coherent ecosystems, often have no natural predators when they are introduced elsewhere. They may swamp out native species, introduce or spread disease, or alter habitats.

Animal examples include mink and grey squirrels. (source:

Related Information


Community groups and schools across the county were supplied with trees and wildflower seeds to promote environmental awareness.

In total, 1,350 trees were distributed to 101 groups and 150 boxes of wild flower seeds were distributed to 150 groups.

Tipperary Countryside Wild on Flowers Initiative 900 packs of native wild flower seeds were distributed to farmers at four marts in Nenagh, Cahir, Tipperary and Roscrea in March.

Biodiversity Week Event 2024

Biodiversity Week 17th – 26th May 2024
National Biodiversity Week is all about connecting people with nature. It’s about communicating the importance of biodiversity and motivating people to play their part in protecting it.
It’s also about entertaining them, showing the fun and wonder that can be found in nature, and inspiring people to learn more, see more, do more.
National Biodiversity Week is organised by the Irish Environmental Network (IEN), with thanks to funding from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS). Events are run by IEN member groups, as well as by Heritage Officers and other local groups.

Gardening for Biodiversity

Gardening for Biodiversity, a book by Juanita Browne of the All Ireland Pollinator Plan and illustrated by Barry Reynolds, which focuses on bringing biodiversity into your own garden.

Full of tips and practical advice for all ages the focus is on fun and family friendly projects that can enhance the biodiversity of your own spaces. There is also a colouring book to accompany this fantastic publication.

Invasive Species

Introduced species have a major impact on biodiversity.

When non native species become invasive they can transform ecosystems, and threaten native and endangered species.

The impacts of invasive species on Irish biodiversity are widely demonstrated by competition (e.g. grey and red squirrels), herbivory (sika deer) predation (Gammarus pulex on freshwater invertebrates), alteration of habitat (Spartina anglica), introduction of parasites (eel swimbladder nematode) and pathogens (squirrel poxvirus) or dilution of native gene pools (Spanish bluebell).

Managing Healthy Hedgerows video

Flower Insect Timed Count and Managing Healthy Hedgerows videos - taking time out to appreciate the importance of our natural environment.

These videos were produced with funding from the Heritage Office, Tipperary County Council, and the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage.

Click on the link below to access the videos.

All Ireland Pollinator Plan videos