Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Community Enhancement Programme

Local Community Development Committees provide financial support to community and voluntary groups to support small capital projects which improve facilities in disadvantaged areas. These may include the development of community centres and amenities, burial grounds, sports and recreation facilities, men's and women's sheds, and CCTV equipment.

Local Enhancement Programme 2024


The Local Enhancement Programme 2024 is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development. Please see the following link for a press release on the launch of the LEP at national level by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD: 

This funding will provide capital supports essential for the many small community groups and organisations, particularly those who serve disadvantaged areas in rural and urban areas.

There will be a particular focus on small capital works/improvements, and the purchase of equipment for community use. The funding may be used, but is not limited to; improved access for persons with a disability; enhancing community participation for disadvantaged and marginalised groups, and improving energy efficiency of community facilities to reduce ongoing costs.

The scheme is designed to ensure local priorities are identified and met, so as to improve and enhance community facilities for all.

Tipperary LCDC have received €178,045.98 and a further €35,609.20 specifically for Women's Groups

Applications can be made to the Tipperary LCDC on the below links.  

Applicants need to provide proved location information in X and Y coordinates (ITM).
A simple guide is attached below

Applicants need to provide their Electoral Division from the drop down. If you don’t know your electoral division a simple guide is attached.

Applicants need to be registered with the Tipperary Public Participation Network and have a TPPN number. If you are not already registered or your PPN number is not of the TPPN format, you will need to re-register with the PPN here (

If an applicant wants to apply in Irish they can request an Irish application form from

Please note no expenditure should be incurred prior to grant approval - it is not possible to fund items purchased prior to acceptance of Letter of Offer.

Local Enhancement Scheme Application Form main scheme - click here 


Women's Group funding Application Form - click here 


Applications will close on February 22nd, 2024 at 5pm.  Late applications will not be considered.