This grant scheme is now closed for 2023.
We are now in the final year of our Decade of Centenaries (2021-2023) programme. In line with the principles outlined by the Government’s Expert Advisory Group on Centenary Commemorations in 2012, 2017 and 2019, the following broad themes have been identified for the period 1922-1923.
- The Civil War
- The Foundation of the State
- Partition
- The experience of minority and border communities in Ireland.
- The admission of the Irish Free State into the League of Nations in September 1923
The guiding principle of commemorations for this period is Respectful, Sensitive and Non Partisan remembrance of all those who died in the county during this period
As well as the themes outlined above further themes for consideration could include but are not limited to:
- Ireland and the Wider World
- The partitioning of Ireland
- The 1923 General Election
- The experiences of women in the county during this period of our history
- Establishing a New Order and establishment of
- The process of rebuilding a nation
- A Changing Society i.e. labour movement, the significance of sport, social class and gender, the experiences of minority ethnic groups, the experiences of people in Irelands during this period who would today identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community, innovation in the field of agriculture, science, education etc.
- The Irish language during this time
- Creative thinking and the arts, including poetry and literature
Criteria for Funding
The funding is open to community and voluntary groups and organisations planning to organise a project/event to commemorate events under the themes highlighted as relevant to the county as part of the Decade of Centenaries programme for 2023.
This scheme is now closed for 2023. We advertise our grant schemes and opportunities in our Heritage Office newsletter, you can join the mailing list by emailing “Subscribe” to Please contact if you have queries about this scheme.
Scéim Deontais ‘Oidhreachtaí Áitiúla’ Deich mBliana Céad Bliain 1923/2023: Spriocdháta: 4in Dé hAoine, 3ú Márta 2023
Glacann an scéim seo le hiarratais ar mhaoiniú le haghaidh imeachtaí comórtha a bheidh ar siúl i gContae Thiobraid Árann le linn 2023.