Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Tacaíocht d’Fhéilte Ealaíon

Féadfaidh údaráis áitiúla tacú le féilte ealaíon áitiúla trí thacaíocht airgeadais a thabhairt, cláir fhéile a fhorbairt agus cur leo, ionaid a sholáthar agus féilte a chur chun cinn chun spéis sna healaíona a spreagadh.

Arts Festivals & Events

'Whats on in Tipp' is a timeline of Arts Festivals and Events taking place across Tipperary.

The timeline allows organisers to plan event dates, times and venues, avoiding 'clashes' with other festivals and maximising the available audience.

To include your festival/event in this calendar, please fill out the Festival Calendar Request Form linked to below.