Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Oscailt agus Dúnadh Uaigheanna

Féadfaidh údaráis áitiúla seirbhísí oscailte agus dúnta uaigheanna a sholáthar i reiligí faoi úinéireacht an údaráis áitiúil.

About Burial Grounds

Tipperary County Council provide a number of rural and urban burial grounds throughout the County of Tipperary. 

Records for our urban burial grounds, St Patricks Thurles, Lisbunny Nenagh, St. Josephs Templemore, St. Cronans Roscrea, St. Cormacks Cashel, St. Michaels Tipperary, St Patricks Clonmel and St Marys Carrick-on-Suir are available for inspection at our Municipal District offices. Please contact the relevant Municipal District Offices in advance to arrange an appointment.

Records for our rural burial grounds can be inspected by contacting the Burial Ground Caretakers for the individual burial ground. If a Caretaker is not appointed/listed, a contact number for the Councils Environment and Climate Action section is provided.  

Please note, records for most local authority burial grounds in Tipperary date from the late 1940’s early 1950’s to the present date. Records before this time may be available from local Parish offices, who you should contact directly. 

If your query relates to older records, or you are carrying out genealogy research, it may be more appropriate to contact our Genealogy Centre. Please note, research is undertaken on a small fee basis. Another valuable resource is Tipperary Local Studies and Archive Service providing a large digital archive of images, estate records, school registers and much more.