Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Applying for planning permission overview

The legal requirements in respect of making a planning application as outlined in the Planning and Development Acts and the Planning and Development Regulations must be fully complied with.

If the above requirements are not met, Tipperary County Council will be unable to assess your application and it will be declared invalid and all documentation returned to you.

It should be noted that the planning system is open and transparent and everyone (individuals, residents' associations, etc.) has the right to see an application and to make submissions or observations if they think it will affect them or their neighbourhood. Persons may also make submissions or observations on an application even if they are not directly affected but feel strongly about a particular issue and want to express an opinion.

When you have completed the form and plans, the planning application together with the appropriate fee should be returned as follows to:

The Planning Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary or

The Planning Section, Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary.

Before you submit a Planning Application you may wish to avail of a Pre-Planning Meeting to discuss the details with a District Planner.

Main Item
  1. Pre-Planning meetings

    Before you submit a Planning Application you may wish to arrange a pre-planning meeting with a District Planner to discuss your proposal.

  2. Guide to the Planning Process

    The Office of the Planning Regulator and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage have published a series of planning leaflets dealing with all aspects of the planning system. These leaflets cover a wide range of issues including how to prepare and lodge a planning application, how to make a planning appeal, requirements for change of use, building extensions, garages, domestic sheds, agricultural development, etc. The leaflets are available free of charge hereunder and from your local planning authority.

  3. Advice on Submitting a Valid Planning Application

    It is important to note that this is for information purposes and is to be used to outline validation requirement and assist applicants in meeting these requirements. The onus remains with the applicant to ensure that applications are in full accordance with the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (As amended). Tipperary County Council must consider whether the applicant has complied with the

  4. Submit your Planning Application online

    Register or login to your account to make a planning application or to manage an application that has been lodged

  5. Further Information

    In certain cases an applicant will be requested by the Planning Authority to provide further information as part of a planning application and to give public notice of the submission of this further information where deemed necessary having regard to the requirements of the Article 35 of Planning & Development Regulations 2001, as amended.

  6. Development Contribution Scheme

    Section 48 of the Planning and Development Acts 2000 to 2010 (hereafter referred to as “the Act”) enables the Planning Authority when granting planning permission under Section 34 of the Act, to include conditions requiring the payment of a financial contribution in respect of public infrastructure and facilities benefiting development in the area of the Planning Authority and that is provided, or that it is intended will be provided, by or on behalf of the Local Authority, regardless of other sources of funding for the infrastructure and facilities.