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Minding Your Wellbeing Programme

Minding Your Wellbeing Programme

Brought to you by HSE Health and Wellbeing, this evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience.

A new video-based mental wellbeing programme called Minding Your Wellbeing is now freely accessible.

Brought to you by HSE Health and Wellbeing, this evidence-based programme provides a unique opportunity for people to learn more about mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience.

As we continue to adapt our lifestyles to deal with COVID-19 and are faced with different challenges, Minding Your Wellbeing aims to provide simple tools and guidance to develop and maintain a positive outlook by looking after our mental health and wellbeing.

This programme focuses on the promotion of mental wellbeing, and has been adapted from a face-to-face programme into a series of short online videos for the public at this time. It’s free to access anytime so why not try one of the videos and go from there.

What does the programme consist of?

The programme consists of 5 video sessions (of about 20 minutes each) which you can visit below.


  1. Practicing Self-Care- Explores the idea of individual’s ‘self-care’ and encourages participants to build their own ‘self-care toolkit’ which includes healthy habits for our mental health and wellbeing
  2. Understanding Our Thoughts- Invites participants to reflect on their own thinking and consider how thinking patterns can impact wellbeing.
  3. Exploring Emotions- Encourages participants to notice their emotions and increase their positive emotions to improve their wellbeing.
  4. Building Positive Relationships- Discusses ways in which participants can nurture, value and foster positive relationships which are so important for mental wellbeing.
  5. Improving Our Resilience- Invites participants to build their resilience, learn about the building blocks of resilience including the importance of focussing on strengths.

This is the first time that HSE Health and Wellbeing has developed a programme focused on positive mental health for the public delivered in this way. With an increasing need for, and use of, online supports, it is hoped that innovative programmes like this can reach more and more people.

See here for further information on minding your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic

Practicing Self-Care

Understanding Our Thoughts

Exploring Emotions

Building Positive Relationships

Improving Our Resilience