Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Comhairle na nóg AGM

Comhairle na n-g AGM 2021 Virtual event live from Clonmel Chamber 12th October 2021

Any youth person in secondary school under 18 can get involved in Tipperary Comhairle na n-Óg

Follow the following Steps:

  1. Fill the in the google form to register for the event and don’t forget to answer the question about running for membership which take place after the AGM
  2. Talk to your teacher or youth worker about attending the AGM – it will run from 2-6pm but young people can attend in 4 ways – in a class setting in the school is doing so, in school at a computer (with permission), in your youth centre after school from 4.15pm or from home. You can attend all or either part of the AGM to allow different access points. Link to Join
  3. You will need your mobile phone for interaction with the AGM on
  4. After the AGM there will be a call for new members and a selection which will be open until 24th Oct event will take place on Tue 26th Oct. (to be decided if its zoom or in person)

Any questions please contact