Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Faisnéis agus Comhairle Dóiteáin agus Éigeandála

Soláthraíonn údaráis áitiúla faisnéis agus comhairle don phobal, do ghrúpaí pobail agus deonacha, d’úinéirí gnó agus do scoileanna faoi shábháilteacht agus chosc dóiteáin, rialáil dóiteáin, caighdeáin tógála, agus freagairt dóiteáin agus éigeandála.

Moving out of home for the first time...check out our fire Safety Tips for Students


  1. Make sure your home has at least two working smoke on every level
  2. Plan to survive…make an escape plan and practice it
  3. Always have an alternative means of escape
  4. Talk to your housemates and determine a safe place to meet outside in case of a fire
  5. Clear exits/hallways/stairs. In the event of a fire you will need to get out quickly
  6. Leave quickly when the fire/smoke alarm or Co alarm goes off. Spending time retrieving items increases your chances of being trapped. Leave everything GET OUT, Stay OUT & Call the Fire Service OUT.
  7. Remember to close all doors at night.
  8. Before you leave the house plug out all phone chargers, hair straighteners etc
  9. Never leave a cooker in use unattended, cooking under the influence increases the chance you’ll make a mistake or start a fire
  10. In an emergency call 999 or 112
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