Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Bainistiú Crann

Féadfaidh údaráis áitiúla crainn a chur, a phrúnáil agus a leagan i bpáirceanna poiblí, i spásanna glasa oscailte, ar thaobh an bhóthair, ar thimpealláin agus in eastáit tithíochta údaraithe chun iad a chosaint agus a chothabháil.

Clonmel Tree Strategy-2024-2029

Trees provide us with benefits that we have only just started to fully understand and measure. We know they give us life as they produce the oxygen that we breathe. Playing around trees helps us create memories. 

We plant trees when our children are born. We plant trees to remember the loved ones that are gone. 

Trees signal the change of seasons, provide habitat and resources to wildlife, who then provide us with a healthy ecosystem and pollination. They reduce stress, improve our wellbeing and mental health. Adequate and good tree cover can transform the quality and image of an area. 

The value and presence of trees have long been accepted. The 2024-2029 Tree Strategy aims to guide Clonmel Borough District’s approach to trees throughout Clonmel and surrounding areas, encourage public amenity, tree preservation, and improve the efficiency of tree management by enhancing healthy, safe and rich tree covers, ultimately contributing to the reduction of the impacts that lead to the climatic change. 

The 2024-2028 tree vision sets out principles relating to how Clonmel Borough District will deal with trees with an aim to developing a specific approach

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