Electric Vehicle Charge Points Local authorities may provide charge points for electric cars at designated areas.
Electronic Speed Signs Local authorities may provide electronic speed signs to warn drivers if they have exceeded the speed limit.
End of Life Vehicles Authorisations Local authorities authorise and maintain a register of treatment facilities that deal with end of life vehicles.
Environment Reports Local authorities may provide environmental reports and information to government departments and other agencies.
Environmental Awareness Initiatives Local authorities may run environmental awareness initiatives as part of their environmental protection activities.
Estate Enhancement Grant Local authorities may provide financial support to residents' associations and community groups to help with the upkeep of estates.
Exhumation Licence You must apply to the local authority for an exhumation licence to exhume the remains of a deceased person.
Extractive Industries Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the management of waste from quarries to prevent or reduce environmental damage.
Farm Plastic Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the sale and use of plastic film on farms to ensure it is collected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
Farm Plastics Producers Registration Local authorities maintain a register of producers and manufacturers of farm plastics.